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Optical Prisms.


Micro Prisms

PMG knows that the world keeps getting smaller. We have built many different micro prisms for our partners, with dimensions down to less than 1.5mm (.06"). Almost any coating can be added to these micro-optics, allowing you complete design flexibility.

Traditional Prisms

Prisms are optical tools that disperse, distort, or manipulate light beams. They can also rotate, reverse, or invert images. Prisms have many uses, including:
  • Scientific study Scientists use prisms to study the physics of light, including its speed, movement, and characteristics. They can also examine how light affects human perception and the connection between the brain and eye.
  • Optical equipment Prisms are used in many optical devices, such as cameras, microscopes, telescopes, binoculars, and spotting scopes. Telescopes, for example, use multiple prisms to manipulate light that has traveled long distances so it can reach the eye.
  • Laser systems Prisms can be used to steer, align, and control the dispersion of laser beams. This allows for precise adjustments useful in applications like laser cutting, engraving, and spectroscopy.
Prisms come in many variations, including Penta, Roof, Iso, Schmidt, Right Angle, and custom prisms.
PMG builds to your exact specifications, though we will suggest possible cost-saving deviations for your approval. PMG can hold angular specs to better than 10 arc seconds.