Reticles, also known as graticules, are patterns of lines or markings that are built into the eyepiece of an optical device. They are used for a variety of purposes, including:
Aiming and targeting Reticles can help with aiming and targeting in firearms, spotting scopes, and other optical devices by providing a visual reference point. For example, in a rifle scope, a reticle can help align with the target.
Measuring Reticles can measure distance, improve depth perception, and make precise observations. For example, in a microscope, a reticle can help locate and measure objects. Reticles can also be used in engineering to measure small objects or as pointers in theodolites and transit levels.
Checking alignment Reticles can check point-to-point alignment in optical tooling instruments, such as alignment telescopes.
PMG can provide reticles with resolution down to 1 um or better. Shapes and materials can also be customized to meet your exact needs.